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Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

Savings, CDs & IRAs

  • Personal Savings
  • Student Savings
  • Certificate of Deposit (CDs)
  • IRA

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Online Banking

Savings, CDs & IRAs

From personal savings accounts to long-term CD’s, we want to make it easy for you to save by offering direct deposit, automatic transfers from your checking to savings, and online banking to let you view your accounts at any time.

Personal Savings

Our Personal Savings Account offers flexibility. With a low minimum opening balance, this account is suitable for anyone.

Student Savings

Student savings offers students the ability to put a little extra money aside for a certain goal or rainy day fund.

Certificate of Deposit (CDs)

Many savers enjoy the security of CDs, where their money can earn an attractive rate. You can open a CD for as little as $500, with terms ranging from 3 months to 5 years. CDs may carry varying penalties for early withdrawal. Your interest rate remains fixed for the term of the CD.


It is never too early to begin saving for retirement.  Compounding of interest over time is the key to achieving your goals in the future. Our IRA accounts are ROCK SOLID, with a stated rate of interest so that you know exactly the rate of return when you sign the certificate.  Investment decisions based upon past performance of a mutual fund or other investment can have disappointing results.  We offer both Traditional and Roth IRA accounts.  Roth IRA accounts differ from traditional IRAs in that it is not a tax-deferred contribution.  Upon retirement your distributions are considered tax-free income, because taxes were paid before the funds were placed into the Roth IRA.

1Opening amount depends on term of CD.  CD specials may require a higher opening balance.
2Up to maximum contribution allowable.  Applies to (18) month term only.
3FDIC Insurance is up to $250,000 per depositor.
4Please request a copy of “Your Deposit Account” brochure for additional terms and conditions. Fees are subject to change.
5E-statements available with signed Internet Banking Agreement
Miscellaneous Fee Schedule

Need help finding the right savings account for you? Contact us today!
Contact Us

The Peoples Bank, Main Office
P.O. Box 151
103 E. Wiggin Street
Gambier, Ohio 43022
Phone:  740-427-2101
Fax:  740-427-3106

The Peoples Bank, Mount Vernon Branch
11423 Upper Gilchrist Road
Mount Vernon, Ohio 43050
Phone:  740-397-7922
Fax:  740-397-6682

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